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How to 3D print your first LEGO compatible brick using the MachineBlocks SCAD library.
Generate 4x2 Brick Model
Let's start with printing a classic 4x2 LEGO brick. Open the following code snipped with the MachineBlocks Online Editor by pressing the yellow button below.
//Import MachineBlocks block() module
use <machineblocks/lib/block.scad>;
//Generate a classic 4x2 Brick
baseLayers = 3,
grid = [4, 2],
knobSize = 5.0, //Reduce this value if the knobs do not fit into a LEGO brick or only with great difficulty
baseSideAdjustment = -0.1,
baseHeightAdjustment = 0.0 //Reduce this value if the base of the brick is too high
Render and Export
Before we can export the model as STL file we need to fully render the scene. At the bottom left of the screen
- Press Full Render
- Press Export STL
Import into Slicer
Now that we have the STL file, we can import the model into the Slicer software of our choice. We have tested different configurations on multiple printers, and the following settings work well:
Nozzle Diameter
0.4 mmThe models are designed to be printed with a 0.4 mm nozzle. Depending on the precision of the printer, you may need to adjust some parameters to achieve the desired clamp force of the bricks. -
PETG or PLAWe have tested the models with both PETG and PLA filament. PETG is slightly more flexible and durable, so the bricks hold up better, especially after prolonged use. -
Layer Height
0.2 mmThe models are optimized for a layer height of 0.2 mm. Depending on the precision of the printer, you may need to adjust the height of the brick using the baseHeightAdjustment parameter to get as close as possible to the height of an original LEGO brick. -
NoneFor most models, no supports are required at all. If a model requires support structures, these are usually already included in the model itself. However, for very few models, the supports must be activated in the slicer. -
15%It is recommended to print all models with 15% infill. -
Bed Temperature
HighThe bricks have a very small contact surface with the printing plate. A high bed temperature, especially for the first layer, is therefore highly recommended to prevent the brick from detaching during printing. However, the exact temperature setting depends on the printer and filament used. -
Nozzle Temperature
MaxIt is recommended to use the highest possible nozzle temperature specified by the filament manufacturer so that the extruded filament is very fluid. Otherwise, it can easily happen that the already applied filament tears off during the printing process. A high nozzle temperature can also improve the adhesion of the first layer. However, the exact temperature setting depends on the printer and the filament used.
Happy Printing :)