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How to 3D print your first LEGO compatible brick using the MachineBlocks SCAD library.

Generate 4x2 Brick Model

Let's start with printing a classic 4x2 LEGO brick. Open the following code snipped with the MachineBlocks Online Editor by pressing the yellow button below.
A model for a 3D printed LEGO brick in OpenSCAD
//Import MachineBlocks block() module
use <machineblocks/lib/block.scad>;

//Generate a classic 4x2 Brick
    baseLayers = 3,
    grid = [4, 2],
    knobSize = 5.0, //Reduce this value if the knobs do not fit into a LEGO brick or only with great difficulty
    baseSideAdjustment = -0.1,
    baseHeightAdjustment = 0.0 //Reduce this value if the base of the brick is too high

Render and Export

Before we can export the model as STL file we need to fully render the scene. At the bottom left of the screen
  1. Press Full Render
  2. Press Export STL
The model for the 3D printed LEGO brick is exported from OpenSCAD as an STL file

Import into Slicer

Now that we have the STL file, we can import the model into the Slicer software of our choice. We have tested different configurations on multiple printers, and the following settings work well:
The STL model for the 3D printed LEGO brick is imported into the slicer software
Happy Printing :)
LEGO, the LEGO logo and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group.